
-- ujean. on 6:51 PM

Math exam psh xD I should stop doing that lol. But it was pretty easy, and it was just the stuff on our practice tests. Then I went to Carmen's birthday thing and it was pretty fun. I got dunked with water... then when I was trying to drink orange juice Melody whacked the box... then I got dunked with water again... like 2 times. Then I went to get slurpees and Elaine threw slurpee at me -.- and then she dunked water on me AGAIN and then she MISSED my stains so I was all wet except for the part I wanted washed D: . Then Winnie threw slurpee at me cause she was mad at me for saying things xD. Interesting interesting things. Oh and I got my socials + science marks which are AWESOME. Socials 81 for the exam :O but then I got an A overall... 86.0 lol. Science 87.2... not spectacular but ok. I got that for term 1! lol and then I got 90 for my exam... which was ok but I expected higher since it was such an easy exam hehe.

English final last one!!