t109 blog22

-- ujean. on 5:25 PM comments (0)

i think this is the same thing i say for every day two blog xD
everytime it's day 2 i get all depressed... but it's not all that bad
i just keep staring at the clock
same with the short arm
but i don't really notice movement of the short arm
... oO
So math sucked
I think i failed my test
that's the consequences of not studying
i'll study next time
laaaaa french was fun fun fun
i kept laughing during our skit
i think it's half nervous laughing half funny laughing
that's what i ALWAYS do
i hate acting
i suck
but i got 49/50
it's a VERY small project to be worth FIFTY marks
but that's ok
cause i got a good mark
hmm == i could have gotten 100
anyways english in library was pretty easy
science was ok
brandon did most of the work xD


t109 blog21

-- ujean. on 1:20 PM comments (0)

Today was goodish/ok/badish/ok. PE was WET and COLD but FUN. We ran 6 laps and IT WAS COOL :) tiring but cool. and cool = COLD. but cool too as in the new little kid way of saying good xD. I tried avoiding the puddles at first but that got tiring and i didn't really care so i just stepped in the puddles and my shoes were soaking and my leg was aaaaall sandy. Then we sat there FROZEN but it was still fun since i waved nice cold wind that =)))) <-that was rachel she spammed my account and then hacked it to write bad things. IRIS WANTS TO PAINT MY NAILS EW SHE'S A FREAK i'm just kidding i can't write bad things about ppl on my blog. blah then i had foods WE FROZE APPLES that was fun and i peeled apples better than david HA my apple sean was here was nice and pretty and KEVINC DRANK MY WATER URGH VERY MAD i offered him water with THE WATERFALL and he still whined and complained he wanted to drink from mouth JUST BECAUSE UR LITTLE DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET AAAAAAAANYTHING YOU WANT D: . Ahem I'm nice :). Applied Skills SUB D: he walked around us all the time "supervising" so that was annoying hehe. CONTACT WAS GOOD :D people kept laughing at good parts so that was annoying ><. Socials was boring bleh but no homework... except for that tiny little project due next week. PSH THAT'S NOTHING BLAAAAAAH I DON'T LIKE IT.

Science D:

Alternate ending to Contact:

I think the original ending fits perfectly to the movie with its fake "disappointment", just to surprise us after that (eg. the trip to vega was "fake" but then there was 18 hours of static). I also think it's very thrilling, and leaves us with satisfaction as well as a cliffhanger. But if I had to change the ending, I would change it to this.

During the trip to Vega, I think Ellie should have died when the chair broke off the ground and got stuck to the ceiling, so when she got back she would have been dead. Everyone would think that either the Vegans were evil and gave them a killing machine, or that Hadden sent the satellite messages. They would go with the Hadden theory, the more logical one, and (given Hadden hadn't died yet) Hadden would go through a trial and get irate about being accused of it because he had faith and hope in it just like Ellie did, but then he dies in court.

They realize there was a lot of static recording before Ellie landed in the water, since they have footage of ellie after she fell into the water, but quite a bit of static in between. They let Ellie's team be funded for their projects as they work more for the connection with Vega.

1. This shows that people are actually hoping and have faith that there might be something out there, and want to have a chance to make contact.

2. It would show that we need to make sacrifices for knowledge.

3. We need to take one small step at a time.

4. If Ellie's chair broke off, and she died in it, it means that no one in the universe is perfect, that's why the chair broke.

5. It would show that we just need to trust instincts to go further.

t109 blog20

-- ujean. on 4:48 PM comments (0)

daaaaaaayum but we have to be "prepared" for a chapter 5 science test that we might have
well since i'm bored... um
i dunno
i will be CREATIVE :)
nahh that's too hard and very unlike me
so i will be BORING :)
Math was boring don't wanna think about it. oh but i did science homework during it xD
I can't believe we have math homework. Very not used to it. I should get myself together to actually do it. It's a good habit... that i'll pick up... some other day hehe
or maybe once i finish my socials map... once again, nahh
i think the britney spears should be under the archives...
hmm i guess that looks... ok
i'm going to change my theme again hehe
i already got bored of this one
and then my map
and then science flash cards
but science CYU first
so that was my pending xD

t109 SUPERBLOG #3 (blog19)

-- ujean. on 1:25 PM comments (0)

I don't know what to superblog about
I have to buy food today at superstore for my camp... at camp bynghttp://scoutdocs.ca/Camps/byng.png
that's camp byng
it looks rainy and dreary
D: i don't want it to be like that when we go
i'm tired too
so i'd rather be in...http://www.gowfb.com/images/LifestyleSolutions/Madison/MadisonBed.jpg
sadly mine's much uglier than this
this looks hillarious xD
i did the elevations on my map today GAAAAH so annoying
using this picture :)
and google maps
did you know it was google's 11th birthday today???

lol :)
I'm listening to kelly clarkson right now
like my first superblog xD
her lives are GOOD
but now she destroyed her voice so it's a lot lower
but still good :)
this is what it sounds like now...
I also took notes on sciencehttp://www.bpc.edu/mathscience/chemistry/images/periodic_table_of_elements.jpg
cause i thought if i left if for after... we'd be loaded with ANOTHER 2 sections and i'd be SCREWED

math (i really wouldn't worry about that now... D: )

t109 blog18

-- ujean. on 9:42 PM comments (0)

Chinese school= boring as usual
scouts... ok
i still have to type the menu/roster D:
Swimming for 2 hours xP and then we had food and I waited to do an evaluation and then my mom told me i didn't need to do it uuuuuugh. I'm tired


t109 blog17

-- ujean. on 9:03 PM comments (0)

pro-d day was kinda boring
but i got to sleep in
and i didn't have to go to school
so that was good
i did some socials map and i should finish that...
and blah blah started my ppt YAY

Socials map/rwanda
math test
chinese homework

t109 blog16

-- ujean. on 5:23 PM comments (0)

i get to sleep in
and listen to my brother having to go to school
and keep on sleeping
though he's going to get to listen to me going to school on monday
again and again and again and aGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN-- kelly clarkson
French was ok. I worked on Science xD.
English was ok we wrote a fictional story-- NO HW :).
Lunch didn't go to tutoring thing to be a tutor... but I did after school lol.

Science notes+CYU
French skit-- prolly not gonna do and just finish in class

t109 blog15

-- ujean. on 7:41 PM comments (0)

DAY 1 :D
Happy happy happy.
PE we had fitness test >< which wasn't too bad. At least I improved in some places... some lol D: .
But the places I deproved weren't too bad.
FOODS :))))))))))) WAS SO FUN. We baked cookies xD and it was good. Our cookies looked safeway-like hehe and there was a different teacher walking around looking at people and she was like oh my god you're done already and I asked for bonus marks and she said she'd mention it to Ms. McConnan :).
AP SKILLS CONTACT WAS GOOOOOOD. It got to the good part... but right before WE COULDN'T WATCH IT ANYMORE D: .
Socials was ok. ish. We took notes and worked on our maps.

chinese D:
french skit

t109 blog14

-- ujean. on 5:13 PM comments (0)

Today was boring. Cause it was a day 2. == is 2 my unlucky number? For most of my summer activities in taiwan (which were NOT exactly too fun) I was in group 2. I'VE BEEN IN GROUP 2 SWIMMING FOR A LOOOOOOOONG TIME I'm not complaining cause it's a pretty good combination of crap and easiness xD. BUT I've been here so long (probably because I quit for a whole term) and EVERYONE (almost) is in group 1B now D: .
Ahem. I've never realized that xD. MATH. IS. CRAPPY. That says it all.
French was awesome. Because we spent half of it listening to BORING BORING speeches. You know I really shoulda run for student council. Just so I could feel better about myself. LOL jk I'd be stuck up there like... gum is stuck... under high school tables? Great analogy :) And I'd suck like... *cough* anyways moving on...
English SUB she was ok BUT MR. HAUCK IS COOL.
Science was sucky. I think I failed my test. AAAAAAAAAAH. However easy it might be. I like the ones with a straight answer much better D: .

Math xP
French soso
Socials map BLEH
Science notes psh not gonna do them-- not due until end of chapter xD well i will but after next class

t109 blog13

-- ujean. on 5:23 PM comments (0)

TODAY WAS ok. PICTURES AAAAAAAAAAAAH THAT MADE EVERYTHING HORRIBLE I'M PRETTY SURE I LOOKED TERRIBLE D: . PE was fun :) but I was walking in two puddles- one in each foot- for the whole class.
FOODS i cleaned up for the demo and got cookies MUAHAHAHA cooooooooookies.
AS was AWESOME we watched CONTACTTTTT which is one of the SMARTEST movies in hollywood so that's good.
SS I skipped like a third of it for photos lol. OUR MAP IS DUE TUESDAY *GAG* 2 BIG PROJECTS AT ONE TIME == .


t109 blog12

-- ujean. on 9:20 PM comments (0)

SUNDAY is ok. Violin was ok. Going to see a house was ok... I FEEL BAD cause all the houses in vancouver are UGLY and SMALL and EEEEEEXPENSIVE. In richmond (horrible area) BUT they're so huge and pretty and CHEAP. You could buy a dilapidated tiny house in vancouver for this huge pretty house in richmond. D: .
Anyways going to my brother's trumpet lesson was ok going to see the SAT class was ok since it wasn't open I DON'T WANT TO WORRY ABOUT SATS NOW TOO MUCH PRESSURE but I guess I have to start because I'm coming TO THE AGE xP. Going home was ok. Going swimming was ok but not GOOD like yesterday and ETC. BYE

Science title page DONE :)
Study for science test BLEH
French title page

t109 blog11

-- ujean. on 8:59 PM comments (0)

Saturdays are boring. Well sucky.
That about sums it up.
SCOOOOOOOOOOOUTS was ok. We did the moving up ceremony which was boooooring. But it was breezy + sunny which was good. LAAAAA. And then um. We did stuff. We played a game which involved a rope which we pulled on. I felt horrible for the owner cause the rope ripped apart after 1 second. And everyone blamed the rope for being too crappy. haha. anyways we had to write the menu and THAT'S when I REALLY hated my patrol. I, being the PL had NO input into the menu. Well I did but they're obviously sticking to the formula and not accepting new, healthy advice *RASPBERRY TO MY CRAPPY PATROL*.
SWIMMING was awesome. Tammy was happy. Therefore the equation led to me too.

Science title page - More color and then i'm done :)
French title page

t109 SUPERBLOG #2 (blog10)

-- ujean. on 8:39 PM comments (0)

This is baaaackwards. This is the last picture. Oh well lol. Here we were playing... kick the pinecone at people?? Ya haha. I was very good at kicking one person-- Jeffrey and I couldn't kick anyone else (properly) Oh ya we played this cause we were super bored and waiting for the bus.
Skyscrapers. Very cool.
Waiting for the bus. That's peach blob is my finger :).
Waiting for bus. Krishtha taking picture for superblog haha.
Um. What's this? I think it's... just people after the play. Haha.
Our tent/theatre/thing.
Middle- School bus. Right- Tour bus. Left- Vania LOL.
Tour bus.
You could smell pizza here :).

The assembly was unbelievably boring. I didn't even get recognized for my straight a's last year 3rd term!!! We have to work the hardest there and we don't get anything but a certificate D: .
The field trip was ok. Well I enjoyed other BOTB productions more. Cause this one was allllll dialogue *gag*. I mean it was funny and I laughed HEARTILY :) but overall I was bored xD.

Chinese essay D: .
Science test/safety

t109 blog9

-- ujean. on 5:17 PM comments (0)

i'm bored
TOOODAY was ok.
It was acceptable
and not unacceptable.
Anyways we had PE and that was ok. I DIED IN 3 LAPS AGAAAAAAIN SUCCCCCCKS. Well at least I have more room to improve for next time lol. BUUUUUT IF I GET MY OLD THIIINGY SHEET THING then i'm SCREWWWWWWYED
Ap skills we listened to a chapter of the bill bryson book and it was very depressing. Then we watched more of the video and I edited A LOT of the notes today :). The layout. Much nicer. :)
Socials was boring and I had a nervous breakdown LOL jk but I was under pressure since everyone started LABELLING already and I WAS STILL DRAWING IT XP

Chinese Essay D:

t109 blog8

-- ujean. on 4:30 PM comments (0)

BLAH math sucked it was BOOOORING I WANNA GET OUT >< DYING HERE. DON'T WANNA THINK ABOUT IT CAUSE IT SUUUUUUUUCKS. Though it's pretty easy. But not TOO easy. :) unlike last year hehe.
FREEEEEEEEENCH I like Ms. Ziakos now lol. Not too much hw OH RIGHT I have hw xD.
English was ok. Mr. Hauck didn't answer any questions D: and we had time to do our stuffs. Our storyboard. Ya that's what it's called hehe.
Science was ok. Not a bad student this time :). We get marked on our book covers... so that's retarded.

Storyboard xP

t109 blog7

-- ujean. on 8:03 PM comments (0)

PE was ok. I sucked at running. I'm going to die. I'M GOING TO DIE. We only did 3 laps and I ALMOST DIED. I'M GOING TO DIE IN MY 6 LAPS. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I MIGHT FAIL PE WITH A B THIS TERM ><. Football was ok. I sucked. == w/e.
what did i have second period
foods was ok too. Actually it was awesome. We had a sub and she was super easy we just did random stuff the whole day and then we had free time and we talked and did some... interesting stuff? xD
Lunch was ok. Cause my food wasn't that great. But at least I wasn't working.
AS we watched that video again... and it was ok. Not as cool as the first time lol but still... cool :)
In Socials we had to make this map that I sucked on D: so that sucked.

Violin ==
Science worksheet
search independent reading program
SLEEEEEEEEEEEEP (I just went swimming-- I'M TIRED)
Pending's much easier with that thing in our agenda on the right that says act plan my priorities :D

t109 blog6

-- ujean. on 8:00 PM comments (0)

today sucked
at least i finished the hw
FRENCH WAS SOOOOOOOOOO... not AS boring but still boring. didn't finish hw but it's not due for a while hehe-- title page
ENGLISH WAS cool. Mr. Hauck let us snowball him with crumpled pces of paper with questions asked to him on it lol.
Science was annoying since I was a "bad student" along with a bunch of other ppl. WE HAVE HW so that sucks

Science hw
violin -.-

t109 blog5

-- ujean. on 7:56 PM comments (0)

Sunday... I got woken up at like almost 10 and I was soooo tired though I couldn't keep sleeping since I had to go to RC to then go to a bbq. The bbq was ok. I was full. Mhmm. Then I went to my brother's trumpet lesson then went to see a house then etc etc etc. I have to do my science title page and SLEEEP so ya G2G BBYES!!! :)

Math hw ==

t109 blog4

-- ujean. on 7:49 PM comments (0)

My Saturday wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thank god. CHINESE SCHOOL SUCKED HARD HARD HARD. It was SOOOOOOO BORING and we got a CRAPLOAD of homework too D: . Scouts was better. Our flag was... ok? lol I wanted to make my noob member do the flag but the leader wouldn't let me... cause then the leader would get yelled at though he said he supported me in trying to make a scene of entertainment. BUT BUT BUTT. BUTTS. THIS PART SUCKED BUTTS. I got a new patrol. AND MY PATROL SUCKS BUTTS. THE GUY I ABSOLUTELY HATED AND THOUGHT WAS THE MOST ANNOOOOOYING IDIOT IN MY WHOLE PATROL is now my favorite person in the patrol. Though there's 1 new kid that I think I'm gonna like. BUT MY PATROL IS SO USELESS!!!!! EVERYONE KNOWS I'M THE WOOOOOOOORST PL well not exactly worst anymore since the awesome ones have "moved on"... to ventures xD so I'm not the WOOOOOOOOOOOORST but STILL why am I ALWAYS stuck with the NOOOOOOBS. Except for last year 2nd term which I kinda liked my patrol because of my APL. OH AND RONALD HO LEFT. NOW I HAVE NO ONE. Well I have some people BUT DOT DOT DOT I SHALL RIP HIS HEAD OFF AND USE THE BLOOD TO PAINT PAINTINGS OF ME RIPPING HIS HEAD OFF AND USING THE BLOOD TO PAI-- ahem I was daydreaming. Swimming was ok.

Science title page
Chinese homework
Practice Violin

t109 SUPERBLOG #1 (blog3)

-- ujean. on 8:41 PM comments (0)

I feel depressed.
So I shall put in depressing (not emo-- that's not school appropriate) photos and depressing music into my first superblog.
Actually I will put in undepressing pictures in and make them depressing because that is the art of depression.
Dental floss. How depressing. These flat, white pieces of string clean out my teeth to prevent cavities and other depressing unfortunate events. They are related to toothbrushes. Toothbrushes brush teeth to prevent stains. However, they have failed me. After the bleaching of my teeth to make it perfectly white, toothbrushes and toothpaste have worked together to keep it that way, but have failed to do so. My white teeth have now been stained with areas of yellow and I also realized that my teeth are practically transparent, meaning the bleach probably ate at my "enamel" or other tragically damaged areas of my teeth. How... depressing.
The Canadian flag. Tomorrow is the start of my horribly hated extra-curricular activity, the "art" of Scouting. During those unfortunate 3 hours, I will have to raise and lower a Canadian flag because my patrol happened to be Duty Patrol this week. I shall suffer the pain of being told that I am not achieving enough to attain my Chief Scout, and I shall also suffer the pain of being in the presence of many, many ANNOYING CRAPPY UNDISCIPLINED WHINY DUMB FUGUU people whose names shall remain... out of this superblog. On that particular day, I shall also suffer the pain of the act of listening to my chinese teacher talk in chinese about chinese, and I shall also suffer the pain of moving my muscles in aim to achieve the forward push of my body in a still body of liquid-- also known as, swimming. I have been mentally preparing myself for a POSSIBILITY that we may be painfully forced to kick vertically in an excersice known as vertical kick. Quite possibly the most pain I have ever been in (?). How... depressing.
I am tired of writing such depressing content. Not because of the depressing content, but because I am generally tired. So I shall find out how to insert music into a blog.
I don't know if I can upload music through the video uploader. I guess I shall see.
This is my favorite song. Well, it is close. I listened to it today on the way back from school. School, that depressing area of learning.
I guess seeing that this is a blog, I must talk about my day. My day was decent. It's just the things going through my mind that is making me extremely depressed. OH! Perfect. To make my day further, the video does not work. Happy! Now I shall use a different file, which I don't believe will be much better -.- . You know what? I will just use a nice, simple, old-fashioned Youtube link. Though I don't believe Youtube was created until 2005. Which would make it not that old-fashioned. ==
As I was saying. My day was descent. PE we played football which was fun. Foods we had a scavenger hunt which was alright. App skills we watched a video which was cool. Socials we ordered our duotang which was... depressing. Actually it wasn't but I thought that would be a cool ending to my paragraph.
Here is the best performance of Ms. Kelly Clarkson's Walk Away. Her vocal chords are extremely flexible and... good. Oh if only I could be able to sing properly. Sadly, I cannot. How... depressing.
I am tired.
I shall go to sleep, not looking forward to the pain of tomorrow.

Sign up for badge testing
Not look forward to tomorrow
Science title page


-- ujean. on 3:45 PM comments (0)

2nd day of school... WOOOORSE THAN FIRST. I actually like Day 1 more now. Well the morning SUCKS dk;fjaklfd; but the afternoon's ok. MATH. IS. SO. DAMN. BORING. ><. I don't really like Ms. Choo... she's kinda... boring... and seems like she's going to give a TOOOON of hw/tests/quizzes. IT'S MY MATH GRADUATION YEAR, MAKE IT NICE. I STILL HAVE 3 YEARS AFTER TO CHOOSE TO STAY IN YOUR DEPARTMENT HERE!!!!!!! -.- . I miss Ms. Lin :(. The worst part is... I forgot. I was thinking about the worst part but I forgot. Anyways French wasn't much better D: . Except that I knew ppl that were less than 1 year older than me lol. We had this thing matching ppl w/ what they did french related... ya. ENGLISH WAS AWESOME :) Mr. Hauck is really cool lol but I think he'll be like Ms. Greskiw, start off funny and awesome, stay funny and awesome BUT load us with homework. lol but still, no hw today so that's good. Science was ok and it could have been good but it's only ok because of my past experiences with science lol. Ms. Tang's nice... but she likes pictures so I'm going to have to draw a lot D: which I suck at. Anyways I have to practice violin now D: my lesson was moved to today.

Science title page


-- ujean. on 11:06 PM comments (0)

First day of school. Feelings, thoughts...- I'MMA DIE. PE was ok... and foods was kinda ok too. But then "synergy" is gonna be annoying this year ><><.

Pending-- Not too distant goals:
Try to be a tutor in math
Help out with UNAC sustainability contest


-- ujean. on 5:31 PM comments (0)

so i'm bored
haven't i said alright before
anything else that happened
beef noodles
my ahma's curry
chocolate curry
it's just weird referring to her as grandma
oh i went to her house and rang the doorbell and the voice came on and i was like uhhh ahma? and she was like talk talk talk and i was like oh damn that's my cousin
all my cousins are like twice my age
ok no but one of the biggest ones is twice my age
though halffrenchies are only gr6+gr2


-- ujean. on 5:29 PM comments (0)

SO more taiwan :) I went to places to play-- Yilan for... green onions LOL well i did eat a green onion pancake and that sounds funny i hate translating stuff cause i always make it sound weeeird and ya I went to danshui OOH notice how i capitalized that "i" cause that is a SENTENCE SEPERATER
i ate metal eggs (agh awkward sounding) and HOLY CRP I'M STRESSING OUT BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS
i just fb posted to brandon about my crappy life
well not crappy life
cause there are many less fortunate than me BUT
i still am feeling like crap
uhh yaaa
i ate metal eggs at danshui i also rode bikes which was fuuuunn it was a double bike and i took my mom and when my mom decided to bike in front i decided to...
switch spots
my half french cousins were there
i also went to... night markets
and i went to see 2 movies with my godmother and godfather hp6 and up and they were GOOD though hp6 was a bit unsatisfying
up was awesome
another pixar masterpiece :)
and after hp6 we ate thai food and it was GREAT and before up i stuffed myself extremely uncomfortably with buffet food and thank god for the long long walk to the theatre-- first long walk i kinda appreciated lol
i also went w/ my aunts and uncles and cousins to a... PLACE
food place
sigh more translating
roof i don't know what tai is lucky
ding tai feng


-- ujean. on 12:47 PM comments (0)

I've been in Taiwan for 2 months :). And it's not that I don't have internet there (though I'd like to say so since then i have an excuse for not blogging...) BUT i've been very busy xD. I ate for most of the time... and I went to lots of places and hardly had any computer time and when I did, I was very tired... SO that is why I did not blog.
Acceptable right?
I went to... *sighs* I don't remember. I climbed a mountain that was very cold at the top even though it was VERY HOT at the bottom of AAAAAALL taiwan I went to 2 SUMMER CAMPS == they were annoying I went to 3 activities-kayaking rock climbing (indoor) and diving underwater... oh right scuba diving xD they were decent not as *gag* as the camps. Actually the camps were ok it's just it wasn't as exciting as my normal taiwan life so... it sucked! One was even FOUR DAYS D: and the worst part of it was that the person i was nicest to was... my brother. -.-
Well I still ate a lot of gooood stuff. stinky tofu :) or uhh i don't know the fancy way of saying it. I played mahjong hehe and some new french game called carnaissance? That was at my aunts house where I went almost every sunday lol. My relatives are very interesting :). As in the conversation topics... ahem. And I have 2 half french cousins who are VERY interesting lol. They're high like i've never been... which is sad cause i've been high... HIGH. Like high as in at camp VANCOUVER camp after eating a row of cookies and trying to step into flashlight light on the ground. oO
that is the most important thing in taiwan
cause if i don't eat, i'll die!!!
ahem anyways
i ate food
there's a noodle shop that i was scared of before because of the lack of proper hygiene in it... but i REALLY like it now xD
there used to be a dog in it... o.o scary
it is called... old mom seed
that's a direct translation so it should sound retarded :)
more taiwan stuff tomorrow lol