t109 blog36

-- ujean. on 5:03 PM

Today sucked.
Langara *gag*
it was so painful
and i got a bad time :(
shots *GAG*
so sore
but when i got the needle stuck in me it wasn't that bad
actually i hardly even felt it
so that was good
i heard the HPV was terrible
:) happy to be male
foods was boring
that's a given hehe
um what else
ap skills WORM HOOOOOOLES :)
those are cool
and contact's an AWESOME movie
I edited the notes :D
Socials was blah
we did our project
i thought we sucked
but Mr. Martin liked how we used role play
so yay!
thanks shania :)
-- her idea for skit
BUT i practically wrote the thing

socials D:
SCOUTS bleh don't wanna get yelled at