t109 blog39

-- ujean. on 4:42 PM

Today... chinese school was crappy as usual MIDTERM TEST IN TWO WEEKS *FREAKS OUT*
i'll study later
it was raining so nicely... and then it stopped
i love it when it rains super hard, or when it's super sunny, or when it's sunny+windy, or when it snows, or when it hails
i HATE cloudy, drizzly, cloudy+it just rained so the grounds all wet, and cloudy+it just snowed and all the snow's melting
but that's usually what happens in vancouver
i should move... but i thought vancouvers supposed to have awesome weather
10 years ago vancouver was so so awesome
now it sucks
BLEH at least we skipped the hike on GROUSE GRIND *gags*
it woulda been so wet and dangerous since grouse grind's already hell to climb when it's dry

science sticky plan -.-
nothing much... oh french