t109 SUPERBLOG #2 (blog10)

-- ujean. on 8:39 PM

This is baaaackwards. This is the last picture. Oh well lol. Here we were playing... kick the pinecone at people?? Ya haha. I was very good at kicking one person-- Jeffrey and I couldn't kick anyone else (properly) Oh ya we played this cause we were super bored and waiting for the bus.
Skyscrapers. Very cool.
Waiting for the bus. That's peach blob is my finger :).
Waiting for bus. Krishtha taking picture for superblog haha.
Um. What's this? I think it's... just people after the play. Haha.
Our tent/theatre/thing.
Middle- School bus. Right- Tour bus. Left- Vania LOL.
Tour bus.
You could smell pizza here :).

The assembly was unbelievably boring. I didn't even get recognized for my straight a's last year 3rd term!!! We have to work the hardest there and we don't get anything but a certificate D: .
The field trip was ok. Well I enjoyed other BOTB productions more. Cause this one was allllll dialogue *gag*. I mean it was funny and I laughed HEARTILY :) but overall I was bored xD.

Chinese essay D: .
Science test/safety