
-- ujean. on 5:29 PM

SO more taiwan :) I went to places to play-- Yilan for... green onions LOL well i did eat a green onion pancake and that sounds funny i hate translating stuff cause i always make it sound weeeird and ya I went to danshui OOH notice how i capitalized that "i" cause that is a SENTENCE SEPERATER
i ate metal eggs (agh awkward sounding) and HOLY CRP I'M STRESSING OUT BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS
i just fb posted to brandon about my crappy life
well not crappy life
cause there are many less fortunate than me BUT
i still am feeling like crap
uhh yaaa
i ate metal eggs at danshui i also rode bikes which was fuuuunn it was a double bike and i took my mom and when my mom decided to bike in front i decided to...
switch spots
my half french cousins were there
i also went to... night markets
and i went to see 2 movies with my godmother and godfather hp6 and up and they were GOOD though hp6 was a bit unsatisfying
up was awesome
another pixar masterpiece :)
and after hp6 we ate thai food and it was GREAT and before up i stuffed myself extremely uncomfortably with buffet food and thank god for the long long walk to the theatre-- first long walk i kinda appreciated lol
i also went w/ my aunts and uncles and cousins to a... PLACE
food place
sigh more translating
roof i don't know what tai is lucky
ding tai feng