t109 blog7

-- ujean. on 8:03 PM

PE was ok. I sucked at running. I'm going to die. I'M GOING TO DIE. We only did 3 laps and I ALMOST DIED. I'M GOING TO DIE IN MY 6 LAPS. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I MIGHT FAIL PE WITH A B THIS TERM ><. Football was ok. I sucked. == w/e.
what did i have second period
foods was ok too. Actually it was awesome. We had a sub and she was super easy we just did random stuff the whole day and then we had free time and we talked and did some... interesting stuff? xD
Lunch was ok. Cause my food wasn't that great. But at least I wasn't working.
AS we watched that video again... and it was ok. Not as cool as the first time lol but still... cool :)
In Socials we had to make this map that I sucked on D: so that sucked.

Violin ==
Science worksheet
search independent reading program
SLEEEEEEEEEEEEP (I just went swimming-- I'M TIRED)
Pending's much easier with that thing in our agenda on the right that says act plan my priorities :D