t109 SUPERBLOG #1 (blog3)

-- ujean. on 8:41 PM

I feel depressed.
So I shall put in depressing (not emo-- that's not school appropriate) photos and depressing music into my first superblog.
Actually I will put in undepressing pictures in and make them depressing because that is the art of depression.
Dental floss. How depressing. These flat, white pieces of string clean out my teeth to prevent cavities and other depressing unfortunate events. They are related to toothbrushes. Toothbrushes brush teeth to prevent stains. However, they have failed me. After the bleaching of my teeth to make it perfectly white, toothbrushes and toothpaste have worked together to keep it that way, but have failed to do so. My white teeth have now been stained with areas of yellow and I also realized that my teeth are practically transparent, meaning the bleach probably ate at my "enamel" or other tragically damaged areas of my teeth. How... depressing.
The Canadian flag. Tomorrow is the start of my horribly hated extra-curricular activity, the "art" of Scouting. During those unfortunate 3 hours, I will have to raise and lower a Canadian flag because my patrol happened to be Duty Patrol this week. I shall suffer the pain of being told that I am not achieving enough to attain my Chief Scout, and I shall also suffer the pain of being in the presence of many, many ANNOYING CRAPPY UNDISCIPLINED WHINY DUMB FUGUU people whose names shall remain... out of this superblog. On that particular day, I shall also suffer the pain of the act of listening to my chinese teacher talk in chinese about chinese, and I shall also suffer the pain of moving my muscles in aim to achieve the forward push of my body in a still body of liquid-- also known as, swimming. I have been mentally preparing myself for a POSSIBILITY that we may be painfully forced to kick vertically in an excersice known as vertical kick. Quite possibly the most pain I have ever been in (?). How... depressing.
I am tired of writing such depressing content. Not because of the depressing content, but because I am generally tired. So I shall find out how to insert music into a blog.
I don't know if I can upload music through the video uploader. I guess I shall see.
This is my favorite song. Well, it is close. I listened to it today on the way back from school. School, that depressing area of learning.
I guess seeing that this is a blog, I must talk about my day. My day was decent. It's just the things going through my mind that is making me extremely depressed. OH! Perfect. To make my day further, the video does not work. Happy! Now I shall use a different file, which I don't believe will be much better -.- . You know what? I will just use a nice, simple, old-fashioned Youtube link. Though I don't believe Youtube was created until 2005. Which would make it not that old-fashioned. ==
As I was saying. My day was descent. PE we played football which was fun. Foods we had a scavenger hunt which was alright. App skills we watched a video which was cool. Socials we ordered our duotang which was... depressing. Actually it wasn't but I thought that would be a cool ending to my paragraph.
Here is the best performance of Ms. Kelly Clarkson's Walk Away. Her vocal chords are extremely flexible and... good. Oh if only I could be able to sing properly. Sadly, I cannot. How... depressing.
I am tired.
I shall go to sleep, not looking forward to the pain of tomorrow.

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