t109 blog12

-- ujean. on 9:20 PM

SUNDAY is ok. Violin was ok. Going to see a house was ok... I FEEL BAD cause all the houses in vancouver are UGLY and SMALL and EEEEEEXPENSIVE. In richmond (horrible area) BUT they're so huge and pretty and CHEAP. You could buy a dilapidated tiny house in vancouver for this huge pretty house in richmond. D: .
Anyways going to my brother's trumpet lesson was ok going to see the SAT class was ok since it wasn't open I DON'T WANT TO WORRY ABOUT SATS NOW TOO MUCH PRESSURE but I guess I have to start because I'm coming TO THE AGE xP. Going home was ok. Going swimming was ok but not GOOD like yesterday and ETC. BYE

Science title page DONE :)
Study for science test BLEH
French title page