
-- ujean. on 3:57 PM

Today I had the math contest.
UUUUGH the math contest.
I did terrible.
I didn't know more than half of the questions, and I was too scared to guess for most of them... anyways I won't talk about it. It's not fun to remember.
Anyways... to a happier topic, the science fair!!! Yes it's happier xD. Mostly because I was supposed to present but then I don't because of a certain contest.
Applied Skills was ok.
Lunch was ok. I played cards again and I sucked again. And I had special which was good.
Socials was ok. My clan got made :D.
English was ok. LOL everything was ok. Umm we played games, and got homework. Funfunfun.

3 English homework
Go program
Socials homework