
-- ujean. on 5:06 PM

Today was ok...
I LOST MY ROUND-OFF SKILLS. I was really mad ><. I did too many and then my elbow started hurting xP. NO FAIR. I guess I need to rest :D. Reeeeally sore. I got 9.5/10 on my Tour Jete aaaagh. And I only have enough marks for 51/60. FAIL!!! Wait... no now I have 51.5/60. Well I have a few other classes to work on it anyways. Oh, nice! 51.5/60 is an A!!! 0.8583333333333 to be exact hehe.
Music we took notes, and I got my composition rrrrrr. I spent so much effort... to get a 43/50. I really wanted a high score, but no, I need to be on the edge of a B. And then I need to study for the test on... Wednesday? Or Friday.
Lunch sucked. It was fun, but Brandon has 91 in socials!!! Not fair, I have a 78 ><''.
Math was fun as usual. I worked on my storyboard and studied for socials hehe (multitasking again :D ). But it's really effective. I got 4/4 on my test without listening. Well I heard what the topic is and then I said oh no then started being useful to myself lol. Substituting variables. We did that in 1 WHOLE CLASS... Well all the better for me. Too bad our class isn't beside a gym with mats. Then I could have practised my... I don't even want to talk about it!!! I was really pissed at not being able to do a round-off anymore. I was almost depressed... Actually I was hehe.
French sucked. We have homework... and a LOT of it.
NOOO!!! I'm going on camp so I'm going to lose so much homework time. And when I get back, I'm going swimming!!! YAY *kicks someone/something*.

Scouts gaaag
Essay contest
Applied skills (maybe after camp, due dates are not as close)


Comment by Tasimer Symaster on February 28, 2009 at 3:43 PM

argh u! I have like 50/60! Argh you! ARGH!!!