
-- ujean. on 4:34 PM

I LOVE DAY 1'S!!!! Haha completely opposite attitude than yesterday x).
PE PE PE PE. Is really awesome :D. There was like no one there since there was a math competition... who no one told me about xP. If I went I would of creamed everyone!!!! No I'm just kidding but then it was grade 8 so it would've been really really easy. CNML. Waaay too easy. Anyways... PE was so fun with only 15 people. Warmup was fun and so was running and HAHA we played chain tag. :P a welcome change. I practised my round-off 20 TIMES at least and probably 10 of them were not bad. Most of them were crooked or weird... including the one I did for my test ><. That's why I got 7/10. Sigh oh well I guess I'll test next class. Oh and a frenchy said I did really good round-offs haha. She usually looks at me like she hates me... well actually once I stabbed her in the back during handball. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! And then another frenchy who is really good at PE said pro skills but I dunno if it was to me lol anyways I tested for tuck jump, front scale, knee scale, and swedish fall too. NOOO only one more class of testing xP. And we have langara next week sigh.
MUSIC... BORING. Really boring. We took more notes... and then I was so tired and sore I decided to study for socials instead of playing with the instruments. That didn't last long... I went to play stuff after 1 minute haha.
Ms. Lin has my math text again xD so that's funny. I got 5/5 on last class's test, and today's was so easy it was funny. While she was teaching, I also did my English storyboard!! I'm almost done hehe.
French was really boring -.- .

Maybe scouts