
-- ujean. on 4:26 PM

Today was Day 2, and it was fun in some blocks, and not fun in other blocks.
English was one of the not fun blocks, apart from the fact that we got candy :). We did a test, and some review. Next class we get hot chocolate haha.
Socials was also a not fun block. We took notes which was really boring. Also, Mr. Sale talked to us about usernames on the forum, and he said they had to be names of famous historical people. I asked if the people could be alive, with completely no implication of Britney Spears, but suddenly everyone started saying BRITNEY SPEARS!!! And Mr. Sale decided to talk about how Britney Spears wasn't very historical, and some other bad things about her, and everytime he said something bad about her, the whole class said OOOOOOOOH like he was dissing me -.-
It was annoying.
Not Mr. Sale, but the class.
Lunchtime was ok. I finished testing Iris for my science fair (thankfully). Now I just need to test another 9-10 people! Funfunfun... Everyone got presents, which was really awkward since I didn't haha.
Applied Skills was awesome. We watched Elf which was really funny.
Science was pretty funner than usual x]. We did more notetaking, the non-funner part, but then we had a lab which was fun. We measured things on the triple beam balance. I got my science test mark which was 35/41 which is an 85!!!
So close.
And this time I actually studied! All the wasted effort xP.
Today I will do important, and urgent things :). I will try to finish all the homework assigned today, which isn't too little ><.
Oh and there might be a snow day tomorrow which is awesome x3.