
-- ujean. on 2:13 PM

Last day of school! If I wanted a perfect winter holiday, I would move to normal applied skills class, since the most work I have is from there ><. There's a project due on the first day back, and I have to write a blog every day. I bet most people have nothing to do and they're going to go out everyday xP. I have my science fair too, but I really have nothing I can do about it so I'm actually happy about that x]. Normal science classes don't have the science fair either!!! Unfair lol =). Well, today was really fun. We finished the movie in French, and then got free time. Math went by much faster than French did, but I have no idea why since we didn't do anything. Then I got an apple crisp during "lunch", and I also got hot chocolate. Carmen gave me a present that she bought after she lost the original present she was going to buy me haha. Music was really fun. There was a movie, but no one really paid attention to it. A bunch of people were talking very unquietly (including me), and I was actually expecting Ms. Dionne to start yelling, but then I realized that not every classroom is Ms. Chuaqui's. We stole Iris's candycanes and used Emily's stamps and talked about Twilight and Wayne's manga drawings. It was the best block of the day. PE was boring. We did some circle dances and did the hokey pokey haha, which was a little scary. The assembly at the end was so awesome!! Assemblies at my old school were always so painfully boring. No action ><.
Today........... I will practise violin -.- . And I'll see what else I should do lol.