
-- ujean. on 4:33 PM

Today at English I was 10 SECONDS LATE.
And I missed a test which was worth 5 marks.
5 marks for being 10 seconds late!!!
So fun.
I also realized that our Pearl project wasn't due until the next class. aaaaah I got a headache last night working on it and my socials homework too, and now we got an extension.
Oh well.
Socials was bad too. We had a test, which I FAILED. Not just asian fail, normal fail!! 3.5/10 :(. Well Yuchen got worse than me which was very surprising. It also made me feel smart since this is probably the only time I'll beat him in anything xP. lol. Then we switched seats. I'm sandwiched between Wayne and Allen!!!! And they're also my project partners!!! haha. Then we brainstormed religions.
Applied Skills I didn't present again, William's worksheet took up a lot of time lol.
LUNCHTIME. I hate lunchtimes now. Painful. Science fair agh. Well I tested 2 people today. Well, near the end of lunchtime I phoned my friend who wanted me to go to visit livingstone, where our old class moved to, and she said she would come to churchill to help me bus there, so I decided to go :).
Science, we got a project to work on -.- but this one is kind of fun. We have to find the density of a person. Most people are dunking a person in a bathtub, but Sharon suggested to just use a hand. Genius lol.
Well, I went to livingstone with my friend. It was surprisingly fun. We met our old teacher, and our old friends, and some people who I don't know lol. But they're all really weird, like MACC people are supposed to be. There's also a MACC student teacher! It's cool haha.
Today I will... relax maybe hahaha. Ok, some homework too ><.