
-- ujean. on 2:35 PM

Last day of the week *phew*. PE was funish. Ms. May didn't come out for a LOOONG time so Ms. Keon told us to lead our own stretch, and then to run with her class. If she didn't, we would be loitering the gym for a while and probably kicked out too hehe. Finally, Ms. May came out, so then we went to the weight room. Our last day!! :(. I think... Maybe not though :). I skipped too so that was fun. I ran back to my locker to change since I didn't get Wayne's lock again xP. Well I took too long so the announcements were already over lol. So I went to music. And I stayed there, surprisingly. It was ok. We started with playing most of the songs we learned and there's one that I really hate that we play almost every class rrr. And it was annoying to play guitar since I had my blister hmph. Well then I practised the g scale and then got tested on it. I screwed up but she still said I did good haha.
Math was ok. We got our tests back and I got 105% mwahaha since there was a question that we didn't learn so it didn't count :). I used the time to work on my english homework and do some random stuff.
At lunch... I ate. And helped Iris with her french homework. Kind of. I was supposed to (since she gave me a frie lol) but someone else helped her hehe. I copied her answers that she got during math from a frenchy she sat beside x] even though I didn't need much.
French, substitute!! funfunfun she was really nice and not boring either. We marked the homework and ugh we have a test and a presentation to do ><.
Well today I'll work. Yesterday I worked on my science fair so I feel proud. Even though it wasn't much hehe.