
-- ujean. on 7:12 PM

French was so fun! Mr. Mcougly or something i didn't really hear his name >< the socials teacher was our substitute for our substitute who didn't come until later. He was really funny. He wasn't that great at french, so we talked about the weather. He didn't know how to spell clouds, but when Ms. Chuaqui called, the spelling he wrote sounded right, but was spelled very very wrong. It was supposed to be nuageux or something, but he wrote nageau haha. After, the real sub came, and I was really sad. At first he was kind of boring, but then it was really really fun. He was really funny and talked randomly.
We didn't have our chapter test for Math! Because of the stuff. The computer virus thing. We reviewed again and got free time. I went to Sylvia's locker and stole her socials textbook x].
I went to buy lunch, and I was pretty early so I got the special :). Finally finished testing, so I didn't have to today.
Music was fun, obviously. It can't be not fun!
PE was fun too. We lifted weights and ran. We were supposed to count our heartbeat afterwards and mine was insanely fast so I don't know if I counted wrong.
Today I'll work on English, and I'm done Socials so that's good.