
-- ujean. on 2:58 PM

Pearl Essay! It started very well since I copied off my sheet >< but then I ran out of imagination and ended up putting down whatever I thought of. At least it's not for marks lol. Well, it is, but for 5 marks or so. Before that we had a spelling bee which I didn't win, and I bet I was really far from winning too. Phew. I hate standing in front of a bunch of people :). Spelling words LOL.
Socials, no test yay! It was so much more fun than last class. Mr. Sale made comments on us for the parent interviews, but luckily my parents didn't go mwahaha. We read stuff and we get to make a skit :). But then that's homework so :(.
Applied skills was ok. I took notes again -.- but this time the stuff was interesting. IQ and suicide haha. I played with Aaron's Itouch too x]. It's really fun, I want one now. Again.
Science, we did a lab. About viscosity. It was ok. Ben's was rejected for being too messy, and I couldn't keep from laughing in front of Ms. Smedley ><. But I felt better since my friends laughed too haha.
Well, Pearl Essay over, now for everthing else!!! -.-