
-- ujean. on 9:58 PM

Day 2. Ughhhhhhhhh *faints then dies*.
English was painfully boring. We worked in the library on Greek mythology stuff. Well that made me lose hope for the rest of the day ><.
Socials was even painfully boringer. We talked. And did some stuff. That wasn't that interesting.
>< Applied Skills was terrible. I had to present, and instead of the 15 minutes that I counted during practice, I took the whole period. It would've been easier if a group of certain people weren't talking so I could have talked. Well talking is ok, but they were talking as if it was some random free time. And no one made them shut up! People kept complaining and groaning. But it was really easy to take notes on, there were like 3 sentences that they needed to copy down every time! And each time was at least a minute. And they weren't even sentences, they were like 2-3 words.
Science was ok.
Homework homework homework. Funfunfun