
-- ujean. on 7:58 PM

Today I got a signature from art class for my field trip form which I handed in during second block, p.e. During p.e., we did the other part of the fitness test, 6 laps around the oval track. I got 11:26, which was faster than some people, but still there were many in front of me with very good times. If I had gotten faster than 9 minutes (which would be the school record), then my friend would've bought me sushi, which was a great motivation for me to run fast until I realized on my second last lap I had already spent 9:33. After that, I went to french class, where we learned numbers, and math in french. I had a very short test during math, after we reviewed what was on the test and the new material which was to be taught at that lesson. I finished my chinese homework today, and also my english homework and some of my science homework.