
-- ujean. on 8:14 PM

Today I had applied skills where I worked on my orthographic sheet which I am very close to finished. In science we reviewed for our chapter test this thursday. In english we had a quiz and got our essays back and I did pretty badly with a 15/20. We worked in our workbook during socials which was boring, but at least we didn't get too much homework from it. This week is a horrible week, considering it's a holiday week. I have a science chapter test, chinese midterm test, a bunch of scouts things to work on, an applied skills test, and a ton of homework which might be ok on a normal week, but this week I'd also like to do something for halloween which is one of my favorite holidays but I never do anything about it. I doubt I will get to do anything anyways other than going to watermania this friday which I am really looking forward to. Today I will do my english and socials homework and study for science.