
-- ujean. on 8:13 PM

I was at camp for the past 2 days so I didn't blog. On Friday I left for camp and when I got there I had to set up our tents in the rain. Then we started dinner for which we cooked Chunky's. We played a manhunt game and then had a pumpkin carving competition which we won. Our pumpkin was a sick pumpkin throwing up. We then played a game where we gave hints to a person about a word which they couldn't see and they'd have to guess it. We ate a lot of cookies, and after a patrol leader and assistant patrol leader meeting at night, we started singing really loudly and probably woke up a lot of people who were trying to sleep. I woke up at 7:00 on saturday morning to set up the flagpole and spent at least an hour doing so since I had to do it myself. Then I ate a quick breakfast and went to the ceremony to raise the flag and this time I didn't screw up while doing so. After we had many sessions where our leaders taught us how to use basic equipment (directed to new members) and it was very boring. Lunch was udon with meat/fishballs which took much more effort to make than I thought it would. After lunch we had an "Amazing Race" which was fun until I stepped into a puddle of manure. Then it wasn’t as fun. After dinner, which was udon again and pork chops which took very long to cook. We had a lot of things to cook after dinner. After dinner we had a campfire which was not as fun as campfires before since I didn’t have a proper seat. We had a night hike after that, and then went to sleep. On Sunday we had scouts’ own which I planned. We went home at 11 and everyone was happy since they would receive plumbing soon. When I got home I worked on some middle years work.