
-- ujean. on 4:35 PM

I've been looking through a bunch of blogs, and I realized everyone else's were SUPER long and SUPER informal and SUPER insightful. I felt like they were being directed to another kid who had the patience to read that much. Most of the blogs I read were very pessimistic and seemed like everyone was stressing out, making me feel better since I can handle my work without falling apart (ish). My technique of procrastination is working! But I doubt it will for a long time.
Today was fun since we didn't do much because of Halloween tomorrow which I am still sad about for not doing anything Halloweenie. In applied skills I sat around watching people trying to finish their orthographic drawings and attempting to focus to study for science. I didn't actually get around to studying that much but it was ok since the test was extremely easy. It was true or false questions, multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks questions, and short answer questions. I was so happy to get that kind of test. We had a substitute who was very nice. In the middle of it, there was a fire alarm, which was fun although I don't think it was supposed to be. We tried to keep our tempts of discussing the questions on our test from taking over us, and it worked... for the most part =]. When we were allowed to go in the bell rang again causing confusion, hesitation, and entertainment for the rest. At lunchtime I did a book test on Harry Potter 3, and I don't know what I will do when I finish the series. I decided not to do another one, and instead signed up for a sophisticated book, To Kill a Mockingbird. I just realized blogger autosaves the blog every minute which is very annoying but I guess it's for my good. In English we presented our symbols and my friend forgot her symbol and decided to copy me by using her phone. Well actually she thought of it herself but I like to frame people about things they didn't do. I know, I'm not that nice. That took up most of the class, and then at the end of class I suggested to Ms. Greskiw to give us candy for Halloween which was very smart. In Socials there was this spider thing that would fall down if we clapped, so we decided to put a person on the bottom for the spider to fall on, but that person was too manly so he didn't scream like a girl. We worked in our workbooks again which is getting tedious and boring, not like it wasn't ever, but it is getting extravagant. After that we watched The Simpsons which was fun. I didn't go to the dance since I didn't really want to and I didn't really buy a ticket either.
Today I will finish most of my middle years funwork or maybe all of it and then I will work on my chinese veryveryunfunwork which I hope I will finish today.