
-- ujean. on 11:03 AM

Easter break :D. I had violin lessons today... that was actually pretty boring xD. Not as good as some other classes, when I actually played well hehe.
Then after, I knitted A LOT. I have two really awesome scarves that I'm knitting yay one is white and I haven't done a really really major screw up yet (but tons of minor ones hehehe) and then one is black and grey. The black and grey one is checkered :D so that's awesome and I thought of how to checker it myself yay! Though I couldn't make it without the weird stitch overlapping, but it still looks cool.
At night Titanic was on TV AGAIN haha so I watched it again. Though I watched bits and pieces of it so that kind of ruined it lol.

Applied Skills


Comment by Applє Piє on April 11, 2009 at 1:04 PM

OMG. I finished my last scarf. HEHE. Now I'm trying amigurumi. IT'S SO DIFFICULT. It took me like an hour to make a ball, and it doesn't even look like one. I made it into a raindrop body and attached hands. It's just decapitated at the moment. I NEED A HEAD. =[