
-- ujean. on 5:20 PM

Today was ok/bad. Socials was awesome. We had a really nice sub (all the subs I've had are really nice this year... I think) with a British accent lol and then we watched the knight's tale for the whole period. I knitted xD. Oh and I showed my cool scarf to people and they liked it yay! Except there is a LOT to crochet in it.
Then it became bad... English -.- we had a test on chapters 1-4 which was MUCH better than last time even though I thought it was suppoed to be 3-5 so I STILL didn't know some 1,2 stuff lol I really should have read them hehe. Oh or I should have paid attention last year when my teacher took us to the play... anyways I got 27/30 so that was a lot better than the 4/10 I got last time ><. Then we got reminded of the lovely project we have coming up -.- so that sucked.
No lord of the rings cause there was a sub... so I ate with a bunch of friends for the first time in a long, long time.
Then we had science which was boring because we had to work...
But applied skills was a lot better. Knitting!! I got a bunch of new yarn since I ran out, and then we watched cars!! lol
