
-- ujean. on 5:08 PM

Today was an ok day. Well the day was fine but the homework we got wasn't. In Socials we finished the movie which had a pretty obvious but still good ending. Then we read some stuff on weapons and armor and we probably have a quiz next class -.- since Mr. Sale said MAYBE we would have one which probably means we will have one haha.
English was ok. We did our test and I was really happy :D since I got 35/35 lol. From 4/10 to 27/30 to 35/35 yay! lol and then we got our advertisements mark where I got 20/20 xD and then we got our essays and I got 11/11 so that was a pretty good mark day. But then I'm like 7th to present my God so that sucked.
And then we had science and that was... ok? lol we got some stuff back and then did some stuff. I don't really remember what hehe. Oh and we have homework -.- .
Then we watched lord of the rings and this time Brandon didn't scream so that wasn't that entertaining. But it was still good :D.
Then we went to applied skills which was fun. Knitting and we watched Troy xD.
Then I went to violin class -.- .
