
-- ujean. on 10:26 PM

Last day of spring break D: so sad. I was spazzing this morning about how little I got done during break... but then I thought of Ms. Greskiw and Mr. Sale telling us to relax and then I felt better hehe. Well I started with violin class, and I remembered my chin rest this time :). I changed to my old one, and it's pretty good... according to my teacher, but I don't actually feel anything different.
Then I went home. Then I went with my family to my brother's trumpet lesson since we had to take passport pictures... and we got bubble tea xD. Except I wanted to try something new, mango milk tea, and it was WAY too sweet ><. I like sweet but it tasted like sugary water with mango taste... so it was kinda gross.
And then I had to walk the dog again. That was just like before. I think the dog is sad since its owners are gone lol.
Well... tomorrow there's school xP. At least it's Day 1... so it's not too bad -.- .
