
-- ujean. on 3:00 PM

Chinese test today!! It was basically the same as the sheet our teacher gave us for practise, except there were some other questions, and an essay question and memorize a poem. Sadly, she knew that she gave it to us easy ><. Meaning she might give it to us harder next time noo! Well we had homework, but it's dead easy. And we get 3 weeks to do it! I guess Chinese school wasn't terrible today.
Scouts was.
Yep there's always one bad part of Saturdays. Sometimes two. Oh and mostly three. Today there was only one I guess. Scouts was terrible. I couldn't find my neckerchief or my receipt for food. We had equipment check, and camp debrief... Oh but we had cake. Yay! Equipment check WE FAILED BAD. Everyone got 25/100 except for one patrol. I don't understand why everything is a competition. Oh except for the last camp since my patrol won. I don't mind winning. But everything being competitive is retarded. Anyways... after we didn't have to go swimming cause my brother was sick xD and I was sick too.

Knitting :D