
-- ujean. on 3:49 PM

AHAHA PE was great. I got 49.5/50 on my routine. But... I could have gotten a 50/50... what's wrong with me??? :D oh well. I lost .5 marks on my difficulty. Since I was in the first 10 people who volunteered to perform, she marked easier :). I actually made my routine on that day... hehe. Hmm maybe if I put in a headstand I would've gotten a better mark. But I can't do one lol. ANNND I got 3/3 on my round-off!! Happy xD.
Drama!!! I don't like it!! :(. We had to do some random stuff which wasn't actually fun... and I'm kind of scared too. What if I get a B??? I'm not hyper enough when I'm with my art classmates... D: .
Math was ok. We learned the stuff and we had a quiz. I GOT 3.5/4 ON MY LAST TEST >< . I fail! I keep getting terrible math marks now... so I suck. I didn't multi-task today! I was too tired and I didn't really have anything to do.
French was easy. Wait no it wasn't. We had our skits. And we have to make a comic strip!!!!! xP. It sucks.
