
-- ujean. on 1:15 PM

Today I went to Granville Island in the morning. It was pretty fun, since I thought we would have to work (because the topic was leadership stuff). I was sick... and I didn't bring water so that was dumb. We got lost while going to the English trip. I got really really mad, since Natalie and I had it right the WHOLE WAY and then they kept saying NO it's wrong we go thataway and blah blah blah and I wondered how we would be expected to go that far. When we got there I bought food lol. Then we went to rock climbing. I climbed 3.5 walls. One of them had an overhang, and I got to the middle part really easily, but the overhang looked impossible, so I had no idea how to go over it ><. And I felt bad since everyone else who tried could do it. Except for Krishtha. Oh well I think I did very well in the first half. Since I never slipped unlike everyone else *coughsharoncough* hehe she fell on the first step 3 times at least xD. After I felt really tired ><. Really really tired. I bussed back, and then stayed on the bus one more station than the rest of most people... and then I got off with one person and switched to another station, and then a group of other people came over which was funny.
