
-- ujean. on 3:45 PM

Field trip today! It was really fun :D. The bus ride there was pretty boring though lol. I was really tired anyways, even though I slept 20 minutes more than usual haha. On the bus ride, I asked Mary if she could photocopy her english vocab, but then I just found it 5 minutes ago hehe.
Then we got split into groups, and our group started with the hike which was pretty fun. Probably the most fun, but then it was annoying when we played a game since it was a boring game ><. But it was fun when we had to cross a tiny little path which was on a wall of dirt lol. Though it wasn't that scary since the ground was just 3 meters down...
And then we went on the bus, which smelled terrible -.- lol but the stops weren't as bad.
Then we had lunch! :D
And then we stayed inside and talked about water... which wasn't actually that boring as I thought it would be lol. The game was fun xD we used water guns hehehe.
