
-- ujean. on 9:43 PM

Sunday... most sundays are good! But not when you have 3 tests coming up and you're too lazy to study... properly lol. I tried to study for socials but I ended up just reading it -.- I'm so screwed. But then yesterday at scouts Jason told me the test wasn't that bad... but he took it a year ago haha. Sigh I wish it was a completion mark :D.
Well I went to violin class which was good since my teacher said I was good lol. After... I did my science homework. Darn I still have English homework -.- I hope my one poem of like 10-12 lines covers the 3 poems of 5 lines we're supposed to do ><. Oh well. I'll write them tommorrow.
I did my french homework too! And I studied. Well "studied", since I just realized that it was really easy and I didn't need to study hehe.
Then I went swimming which SUCKED. We did vertical kick again and it felt like hell. Or just really bad torture. But I cheated and it wasn't too bad. I always thought I would get caught lol. Actually she probably knew but then she knew I couldn't do it properly hehe.
And then afterwards... I did nothing ><. I should have studied but I was too lazy. I guess I'll go now. OH and I knitted with my fingers!!! Like the thing you do with the needles... but I used my fingers!!! That's why I didn't really do much this afternoon xP.
