
-- ujean. on 9:02 PM

Today I could sleep in and realize it wasn't actually late since it was daylight savings. I started to do homework in the morning finishing my socials and english homework surprisingly quickly since I thought it would be hard. Then I did some of my science homework about human tissues which wasn't too fun. I then practiced violin for my lesson in the afternoon which was much better than last class since that was at night so I had no energy to adjust to what my teacher was saying, making her not too happy. Today was better, or just normal. She keeps wanting me to buy a new violin but I know that won't happen in the near future and I wouldn't want a new violin since I am very irresponsible with it, breaking my bow once and dropping a support stick inside it once and giving it dozens of scratches. After violin I went to my brother's trumpet lesson so I could go get my glasses fixed since it was slanted and looked really funny when I wore them. When I got back I finished my science homework and didn't do much after that. I looked at my applied skills drawings but then got bored so I just used the computer. After dinner I walked our landlord's dog with my mom since they're going to china tomorrow so we'll have to take care of their dog. It was kind of fun, and the dog was really quiet since he didn't know me. The whole time when I came back I was using the computer, so I don't know how good that is for me. I just realized the last 3 days I had really really long blogs since things actually happened on those days so today's is probably a lot shorter =].