
-- ujean. on 4:57 PM

We had a substitute for French who was very nice, but was really boring. He didn't stall class with any interesting/uninteresting story (both are ok if they take time) and instead just started class. We had to do a bunch of stuff from the textbook which sucked -.-, and then we practiced memorizing our skit. In math, we learned 4.2 and had an easy/hardish test. Nothing really happened in the first two blocks today. At lunch, I got face painted and did my science homework. I finished it!! Now I have to study for English xP. After lunch, we had our track meet which was 100 times more fun than I thought it would be. I had a bunch of face painting, arm painting, and leg painting haha. NOO the leg painting faded away without a picture of it :(. We did the best in our tug of war, winning in like 5 seconds haha. It was nice. But also boring. I took a bunch of pictures. When I came back, I watched Twilight on the computer. It wasn't that great.
Today I'll study for English