
-- ujean. on 11:03 PM

Today I had chinese school which was boring and painful again since all we did for the ENTIRE 2.5 hours was sit in our seats, copying everything our teacher wrote on the board while he talked. Now, if we sat there listening to our teacher talk without needing to write or learn anything, it would only be boring. But there has to have pain included in it if there's "learning" in it xP. When chinese finally ended, I got driven home (yay) and my dad decided not to get subway since it would take too long, and instead got my mom to go home and make noodles which took way longer than subway would've taken lol. In scouts I had sent an email regarding badge testing but I never got a reply so I went at normal time, but then the badge tester actually got the email and asked me why I got there so late. By the end of the meeting I almost finished the badge, but there was one more requirement which I had forgotten about so that sucked. During the meeting we played a game which also fulfilled a requirement for my badge, and then we went to Jamieson to practise foot drills for the Remembrance Day Parade. The people who weren't going (including me) had a separate foot drills lead by a junior leader, but instead we marched to a place where they couldn't see us and played charades. It was really fun. After the meeting I found my jacket, or more like claimed a found one which was mine, handed in my camp log which I skipped violin for yesterday, and then finished up my badge. When I came home I walked our landlord's dog with my mom and when I came back I played violin since I skipped it yesterday. Tomorrow I will work on the huge amount of homework I have.