
-- ujean. on 9:16 PM

I JUST WENT TO FRIGHT NIGHTS!!!!!! And it was fun =]. Other than the bus ride. That was agonizingly painful and boring especially since my earphones didn't work so I sat there listening to nothing. I went with two of my old friends and it was fun seeing them. When I got there I waited with one of my friends for my other one who we thought was only around the corner. We waited for at least 10 minutes, but it was fun anyways since I made her jealous by telling her we might go on a English field trip to watch Twilight. We started off in a maze which was really scary and fun. There was a skeleton guy in a graveyard who was walking towards us which was really freaky so we started running. We went to 4 or so haunted house except there was one which one of my friends wouldn't go inside. When we went on the music express there was a guy in front of us who kept squishing the guy beside him and he kept pushing him away. That was funny and I don't know if my description made sense. Oh well. Before that we went on hell's gate which was really fun except for the fact I had to hold my glasses with my hands because I forgot how they hung us upside down for a while so I grabbed my glasses so hard and I was still scared they would fall. Luckily they didn't. Well if I did I could get new better looking glasses so I don't know if that was bad or good. Actually I'd have to pay for new glasses so it was good. We also saw a performance of people playing with fire which was pretty cool. I paid 5 dollars to go in a coffin simulator which was really different but not especially fun. We took a lot of camwhores in which I looked retarded as usual. At the end we had no time to go on corkscrew, crazy beach party, or the really awesome looking haunted house so we took a bunch of pictures of scary displays and bought an elephant ear to eat instead. It was really really sweet. I got a ride home which was really nice since I really didn't want to bus home.
During today I also had my chinese midterm test which was not fun at all, and then I went to scouts to sell apples which was ok. Tomorrow I have to finish my m.y. homework obviously and I'll review the drawings for my test -.- .