
-- ujean. on 10:33 PM

The Remembrance Day assembly was today, so I gave out poppies to some class and mine for service club. The other class was really old so it was awkward, and there was also a guy who I knew from my old school. We didn't hear the announcement during french, so when someone brought it up that he thought he heard it 15 minutes ago, Ms. Chuaqui started panicking and decided to complain about the p.a. system not working well. After french was math, which was once again, very very boring. Except this time I didn't bring my calculator, so I had to borrow someone else's for the test. During lunchtime I finished the science experiment on Ben, but it's not working that great since all the results are really similar and I don't know if it will do much for my experiment. I find it extremely unfair since Ben is going to come to middle years but he doesn't need to do the science fair :(. In art we worked with clay again, but this time we made coil pots instead of pinchpots, and mine really sucked other than the fact that I put a pencil in it x]. Pe was fun! It was basketball again -.- but this time I didn't have an awesome team who could actually play so I felt a lot better. I think the school should have tutoring services for pe too LOL then I would join for basketball. But having a middle years pe wouldn't help just in case i could've meant I'd prefer it. I worked on my science foldable when I got home and read my chinese stuff with great disapproval. Playing violin passed surprisingly quickly today since I tried to play well. I think I'll do that from now on, since I obviously didn't have to do that before... =S. Tomorrow's remembrance day, so I'll work on my socials and chinese homework and finish up my foldable. And that's also why I can write my blog this late.